One of the original founders of the TechShow, Linc currently works for a university in Philadelphia as a Senior Systems Administrator and is RedHat certified. Linc's current Linux distributions of choice are
CentOS and
Linux Mint. Linc is well known as the author of
BashPodder a podcast aggregator or podcatcher written in bash but also is involved in several other ways with the OpenSource community. Linc was an original founder of the
Lehigh Valley Linux User Group and has done quite a few Linux related book reviews (
some of them even published). He also runs several websites for the Linux/FOSS community.
Lincware, where people hardly ever come to discuss several F/OSS softwares Linc works on.
LincolnBlogs, where Linc talks, rants and reviews technical and other subjects that he fancies.
Linux For Christians, a website where Christian and Linux users come together to help each other out and share ideas.
LinuxPlanet, your source for the very best of Linux and F/OSS related aggregated blogs and podcasts.
Free Linux Box, a website that tries to connect individuals who want to give away fully functional computers running open source software to individuals who need a computer, free of cost.